Bring the magical world of Cartoon Network's Steven Universe to life with our stunning Steven Universe Star design MacBook Skins. This eye-catching skin features the iconic Steven Universe Star logo, beautifully capturing the essence of the beloved animated series. Crafted with precision, our MacBook Skins are customized to perfectly fit your device, ensuring a seamless and secure application. Made from high-quality vinyl, these skins not only provide a unique aesthetic appeal, but also protect your MacBook from scratches and scuffs. With easy installation and residue-free removal, our Steven Universe Star MacBook Skin allows you to effortlessly showcase your love for Steven Universe while keeping your device safe and stylish. Upgrade your MacBook with this one-of-a-kind design and let the world know you're a true Steven Universe fan.
Premium Skins Features
Scratch defense to keep your gadgets looking brand-new.
Precision cut vinyl that is engineered to fit your device like a glove.
High grade 3M vinyl that provides best application experience with best application experience and leaves no residue behind.
Product Specifications
Product Type | Weight | Dimensions |
MacBook Skins | N/A | N/A |
Color | SKU | Availability |
Pink | DESIGN-PATH | In Stock |
Brand | Model Compatibility | Material |
Warner Bros | MacBook Skins | Decorated with a premium 3M vinyl |