The Disney 101 Dalmatians Family design brings the beloved characters from the classic animated film to life on our iPad Cases. This customizable design showcases the adorable Dalmatian puppies alongside their parents, Pongo and Perdita. Made with high-quality materials, our iPad Cases provide durable protection for your device while giving it a playful and nostalgic look. The design features vibrant colors and intricate details that capture the charm and whimsy of the 101 Dalmatians story. With the option to personalize your case, you can add your name or initials to make it truly unique. Show off your love for this timeless Disney movie with the Disney 101 Dalmatians Family design on our iPad Cases.
Additional Features
Premium Cases Features
360 degrees of all around protection including a raised front bezel to protect your screen.
Drop protection doubled. Dual layered hard shell with shock absorbing liner making it the ultimate in drop protection.
With our focus on port accessibility and water-tight functionality, rest assured that your devices are protected and fully functional in any environment.
Product Specifications
Product Type | Weight | Dimensions |
iPad Cases | N/A | N/A |
Color | SKU | Availability |
White | DESIGN-PATH | In Stock |
Brand | Model Compatibility | Material |
Disney | iPad Cases | Decorated Protective Case |