The Looney Tunes Wile E Coyote Stars design brings back the iconic and hilarious character from the beloved cartoon series. This design captures the essence of Wile E Coyote's relentless pursuit of the elusive Road Runner, with a playful touch. Customized on MacBook Skins, this design showcases Wile E Coyote surrounded by stars, adding a touch of whimsy to your device. Made from high-quality materials, these MacBook Skins ensure protection from scratches and fingerprints while adding a personalized touch to your laptop. Show off your love for Looney Tunes with this Wile E Coyote Stars design and make your MacBook stand out from the crowd.
Additional Features
Premium Skins Features
Scratch defense to keep your gadgets looking brand-new.
Precision cut vinyl that is engineered to fit your device like a glove.
High grade 3M vinyl that provides best application experience with best application experience and leaves no residue behind.
Product Specifications
Product Type | Weight | Dimensions |
MacBook Skins | N/A | N/A |
Color | SKU | Availability |
Red | DESIGN-PATH | In Stock |
Brand | Model Compatibility | Material |
Warner Bros | MacBook Skins | Decorated with a premium 3M vinyl |